I've been feeling blue after somehow retrieving an article
on that former Intercept guy's newsletter style social
media shared by the Gibson.

Meat corporation's slaughterhouse noise will drown our
erstwhile activity pub in the sound of the Mastodon's
death. First degree instance blocklists won't work, and
a global blocklist will be owned by the Meat corporation.

So we can pack up the indispensible friendships forged
and move on. But we are not such to treat our electronics
as disposable; so we are not going somewhere new exactly.

To some extent the tildeverse and SDF will continue as
they did before, except that with increasingly rapacious
data harvesting time passing is bad news.

Like in my other phost, I think our new information world
needs to trap the value of data in its context. This means
that when the meat corporation destroys activitypub, they
didn't get anything: Any more than their pollution and
global warming Get anything for them.

That's only half an insight, since wanton destruction
still maintains humanity's collision course with the sun.

(To increase their financial ranking at the end of the

I guess the second half insight is that the context can't
be reachable by the meat corporation. Love, nature, truth.

A heterogeneous tapestry of self-expression and meaning
that exists in tending our own gardens for others, and
ourselves wandering with others.