ID: 32fd3c0f-2bbb-40f5-8786-c79ca8117c53
Title: Rant #3 - Development for smartphones
Authors: Nova[有線魔女] <[email protected]>
Date: 2021-08-20T12:48:30-00:00
Topics: Rants

In a class I had yesterday on the school, a teacher from the classroom asked me if I could develop an application for the Android mobile operating system.
That was my worst nightmare come true, since I don't want to have anything to with smartphones anymore. I can't even use my preferred text editor (Vim) for the task. Instead, I've to use Android Studio, which is proprietary and bloated-to-no-end crapware for that.
I'll probably be going insane at this. I can't deal with this piece of crap.
Worse enough, it isn't for something common, but something which has to act in a client (in a way) for a hardware CO2 meter which can send a notification via wireless methods (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi) to the smartphone.
And the application has to receive it and display it in any way.
Seriously, I cannot do that.
Being a server maid (as in server administrator I mean) is far easier (and saner) than developing for mobile devices (smartphones) because I can deal with that.
The teacher's asking me for an impossible task, I'd for sure refuse to do.
I've already had enough pain when I did Android development in the past.
I can't stand it.
I just.... can't

[Reasons to not use Google]: <>