
In the past few months I've focused on housekeeping a bit more than
usual: a little cooking (Italian cuisine in particular, and planning
to try more of it), tried a bit of plumbing (acquired nice new taps,
helped a plumber to set them), acquired more of hand tools and safety
equipment (as well as investigated their manufacturers; plenty of
awkward and shady brands around, as it turns out), have set kitchen
lighting (under- and over-cabinet high-CRI and fairly bright LED
strips in aluminium profiles, connected with a cable).

Been asked to use my vacation days at work, and timed the 2-week
vacation to switch to Debian 11 when it was supposed to be released at
the time (the 1st of August), without worrying about work. But
Murphy's law kicked in and the release was postponed until the end of
the vacation. I've switched then anyway, though there indeed was some
work stuff to sort out today (while it's rather relaxed since the
beginning of the pandemic).

Now I'm on a fresh system, configured to a somewhat usable
state. Planning to check and adjust work-related Haskell programs, to
make them buildable using packages from system repositories when
possible (as I did with one not-work-related program today), or at
least pulling minimum of additional ones from Hackage. And hopefully
to sort out various other files (assorted documents, notes, saved
papers/articles and whatnot) accumulated over the years; a new and
clean home directory is nice, but then there's plenty of stuff in the
old one, and the few before that. The most valuable bits I have backed
up, but there's a lot of things I just may need (or miss) someday --
very similar to collecting sort-of-junk items at home. Oh, and I
should update the systems on servers and the gaming computer soon.


:Date: 2021-08-17