Server migration

I moved this systemq (uberspace.net) to a new hoster. That included
accidentally spamming phlog aggregator(s) by showing a gophermap with
a footer of a newly set Gophernicus, while there was no actual new
post. Well, here is one.

We used to be on yourserver.se, which is generally fine and has nice
support, though minor issues have accumulated, and better
specifications for a better price became commonly available meantime.
Now we're on Hetzner, which seemed like a good option from the
beginning (back when their VMs were called "VPS", not "Cloud").
Another change is a long-planned switching from CentOS to Debian.

The software is mostly the same, just different versions and with some
configuration adjustments. But there is server documentation at
<https://defanor.uberspace.net/notes/private-server-setup.xhtml> now:
something I wanted to compose even on the previous migration, but
haven't until now. Hopefully future migrations, server maintenance by
others, and/or setups of similar systems would be a bit more
comfortable with it.


:Date: 2020-12-21