Less useless code

Following the observation of a web application (that is, a custom
database interface) requiring a lot of code while not quite doing
anything useful, a bit more than a week ago I wrote pgxhtml,
<https://github.com/defanor/pgxhtml>: a small (about 200 LOC) program
that executes user-provided SQL queries, and applies templates to
their results.

Since then I worked on a hobby project using it (and briefly on a
library used by it), and quite pleased with the results so far. It
would be tricky to use for commercial projects, which seem to prefer
eye-candy on common setups and presentations over simplicity, and not
yet sure how it would work for larger projects, but it is pretty good
so far: preparing a database, writing templates, and a neat custom web
interface to that database is ready.


:Date: 2019-01-08