Inspired by some others (nydel and tfurrows come to mind) and by my lack of
either time or time management (I don't have the time to decide which) which
has left me with a list of phlog entries that. I have not yet finished, I've
decided to begin a microphlog in addition to this, my . . . macrophlog.

It lives at
for you web people.

Ironic, also, given my previous comments on the matter, but as someone some
time pointed out (I wish I could remember who), the character-limited format
seems useful as an adjunct to, rather than a replacement for, a full-size

I'm limiting myself to two lines of 67 characters per entry.

Ironic, once again, as I've used far more characters than that just now
announcing the whole endeavour.


The links above are dead. For an explanation, see: