Willow's HDR reviews
Feb. 22, 2024

## What is an HDR?

Last month's winter storm in the Pacific Northwest was said to be
one of the worst in recent history (although, the December 2009
snowstorm that shut down Portland for two weeks also comes to my
mind). Many areas in the Greater Portland area served by Portland
General Electric experienced a prolonged power outage that lasted
for more than a week. Climate change seems to be creating events
like this with an increased frequency (there was another big
snowstorm in February 2021). With natural disasters like this,
awareness of preparedness becomes a topic of popular conversation.

While I keep some reserve supplies of durable, nonperishable
staples (a habit that I began around 2019, and has proven to be the
right thing to do during the early days of the COVID panic circa
March 2020), electric outages would make them not very useful.
Hence I looked into purchasing some HDRs.

HDR stands for "humanitarian daily rations." It was developed by
the United States Department of Defense in the 1990s during the
Balkan conflicts. HDR was also dropped extensively in Afghanistan
during George W. Bush's "Operation Enduring Freedom" following

## This is how it looks

You may be familiar with MRE, which is a similarly packaged combat
meal kit for soldiers (YouTube is full of MRE review videos, and
there seems to be a niche for MRE collectors who are somehow able
to obtain MREs from countries like China and Russia). Like MRE,
HDRs are packaged in a durable, waterproof outer package that can
be stored in most conditions and can be airdropped.

=> img-hdr-01.jpg

=> img-hdr-02.jpg

A case of HDRs contains 10 packages. Each package is a complete
food supply (~ 2,200 kcal) for one whole day, including something
for breakfast, and two entrees for lunch and dinner.

=> img-hdr-04.jpg

=> img-hdr-05.jpg

=> img-hdr-06.jpg

These HDRs are made by a few contractors (the two most common ones
are SOPAKCO, Inc. and The Wornick Company) for the U.S. government.
Since they are manufactured for military use, they are made
available for purchase by the general public three years after the
manufacturing date.

=> img-hdr-03.jpg

Each case of HDRs shows three things: a four-digit number, an
inspection date, and a "Fresh Check" sticker. To untrained eyes,
they can be confusing. In the picture above, you can see "0337" and
"12/23." It does NOT mean this case of HDRs was made in December
2023. It was inspected in December 2023 to ensure that the HDRs
haven't gone bad. The actual manufacturing date is shown as "0337":
it means the 337th day of the year "0" -- which translates to Dec.
2, 2020. If stored at a room temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit,
an HDR has a minimum shelf life of 48 months. This means that if
you buy HDRs that were recently inspected and released to public
sales, they should be good for at least a year. The red "Fresh
Check" is another indicator. If the sticker shows a solid dark
circle instead of a dark ring, the case is no good; you should
return it for a refund or exchange. It should also be noted that
each component of the HDR is made even earlier than the
manufacturing date shown on the case; their respective
manufacturing dates are also shown on the components using the same
number format. I noted that they were 3 to 4 weeks before Dec. 2,

You can purchase these on Amazon and eBay for about $40 per case
(and usually free shipping), which makes it roughly $4 each for a
day's breakfast, lunch, dinner, and some snacks included. You may
be able to find them at outdoor stores, Army Navy surplus stores,
and prepper stores, as well. HDRs are substantially cheaper than
MREs, especially considering that each package of HDR is for a full
day, whereas a package of MRE is just for one meal.

=> img-hdr-07.jpg

An outer package of HDR is 12 inches tall and 8.5 inches wide and
weighs about 2 pounds. This compactness and weight also make HDRs
ideal for hiking and bicycle camping. Inside, a lot of things are
pressed together in an even smaller plastic wrapper.

=> img-hdr-08.jpg

## What's in an HDR?

HDR is designed to appeal to the "broadest possible" variety of
religious and ethnic groups, therefore contains no animal product
(with some exceptions, as I note below) and all ingredients meet
halal requirements (although they are not certified as such, the
case bears a crescent symbol). Curiously, it does not bear kosher
pareve certification symbols, but this probably has to do more with
the fact that a kashrut certification requires food manufacturers
to maintain completely separate facilities and equipment, and the
same manufacturers also make MREs that are definitely treif.
Nevertheless, as federal defense contractors, they are required to
follow all food safety regulations which call for anti-cross
contamination measures.

=> img-hdr-09.jpg

The entrees come in retort pouches, and they are designed to be
eaten only with a spoon without the need for any other utensils.
Retort pouches were invented by the U.S. military and have also
been very popular in Asia, especially in Japan (indeed, Otsuka
Foods' "Bon Curry" is the first civilian retort product in the
world, sold since 1968). In the U.S., Tasty Bites is the best-known
use of retort pouches in the general consumer market. This special
packaging keeps food fresh for years without refrigeration. It can
be heated by boiling in water (DO NOT microwave this), but it is
also possible to simply eat it out of the bag without heating.

=> img-hdr-15.jpg

Menu 2B comes with vegetable barley stew and black-eyed peas in
tomato sauce. There are five different menus in each case, so you
won't get tired of eating the same things over and over.

=> img-hdr-10.jpg

It also comes with two cookies (or crackers in some menus), two
wheat tortillas, and a genuine Pop-Tart.

=> img-hdr-13.jpg

I think this is a special military edition of Pop-Tart. It is not
frosted like the ones sold in stores.

=> img-hdr-14.jpg

I don't remember when was the last time I ate a Pop-Tart. It was
pressed tight inside the packaging so it looks kind of flat. I put
it in a toaster but I had a hard time taking it out of the toaster
because it began to fall apart the moment I tried to pull it out. I
had to flip the toaster upside down. Otherwise, it was good.

=> img-hdr-12.jpg

According to the DOD specifications for HDR it is supposed to
contain no animal product except for a minuscule amount of dairy.
But as you see above, the cookies contain "less than 2% of" egg.
Beware if you are allergic to eggs. These cookies are hard and
dense and seem vitamin-fortified.

=> img-hdr-16.jpg

The black-eyed peas aren't too bad, though somewhat bland. A packet
of red chili pepper flakes, as well as a ubiquitous salt-and-pepper
packet, are provided. Now I understand why American G.I.'s loved
Tabasco, though; this one goes very well with it! Too bad HDRs do
not come with one of those mini-bottles of Tabasco, though. The
wheat tortillas are sort of edible, but that's probably just me, I
never liked wheat tortillas unless they are part of a burrito.
Years ago I found that wheat tortillas taste better when they are

Now that I see this picture, in retrospect, I could have made two
little black-eyed pea burritos. The amount of peas provided might
be perfect for the two small tortillas.

Later in the day, I ate the vegetable barley stew, unheated,
straight out of the pouch. It was excellent. I liked it.

It does not look from appearance that it is a lot of food. But
these entrees are dense. It is filling. In retrospect, the relative
blandness of the entrees may be by design: If they taste too good
you'd eat them very fast. You then would not feel as full, and by
eating too fast, the food wouldn't be digested as well. After all,
there is a lot of R&D that goes behind the development of these
combat rations (there is a dedicated Army R&D lab in Natick,
Massachusetts that develops all the menus).

## For more information

HDR information from the Defense Logistics Agency (old)
Seemingly the current HDR menus
=> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCuB7XVPDMg Menu 5 review by
Nathans MRE (YouTube)
Why MREs are great for camping