A nonbinary option: Some thoughts from ChatGPT
April 19, 2023

Something that’s been on my mind lately so I asked ChatGPT:

### ME: Explain the potential benefit to society, the economy, and
public health of reclassifying all transgender individuals as
nonbinary persons

AI: Reclassifying all transgender individuals as nonbinary persons
could have potential benefits for society, the economy, and public

1. Society: Reclassifying all transgender individuals as nonbinary
persons could help promote a more inclusive and accepting society.
This can reduce discrimination and violence against transgender
individuals, and promote a culture that values diversity and

2. Economy: Diverse representation in the workplace can lead to
increased innovation and creativity. By reclassifying all
transgender individuals as nonbinary persons, companies may be more
likely to value their contributions and perspectives, leading to a
more diverse and productive workforce.

3. Public Health: Reclassifying all transgender individuals as
nonbinary persons could help address the health disparities and
challenges faced by transgender individuals. This can include
providing access to healthcare that is respectful and supportive of
individuals' gender identities, which could lead to improved mental
and physical health outcomes for transgender individuals.

Overall, reclassifying all transgender individuals as nonbinary
persons can help promote a more inclusive and accepting society, a
more productive economy, and improved health outcomes for
transgender individuals.

### ME: Explain why it is potentially a good political strategy to
reclassify, through legislative and executive actions, all
transgender persons as nonbinary persons instead of treating them
as though they are members of the opposite sex.

AI: Reclassifying transgender individuals as nonbinary persons
through legislative and executive actions could be a good political
strategy for a few reasons:

1. Promotes inclusivity: The reclassification would acknowledge
that there are more than two genders, which could help promote a
culture of inclusivity and respect for diversity. Recognizing
nonbinary individuals as their own distinct category, it would also
recognize their unique experiences and lessen the marginalization
and discrimination they face.

2. Reduces political backlash: Reclassifying transgender
individuals as nonbinary persons may be less politically
contentious than treating them as members of the opposite sex. Some
people may have a difficult time accepting that transgender women
are women, for example, but may find it easier to accept that they
are nonbinary.

3. Avoids binary assumptions: Treating all transgender individuals
as members of the opposite sex can reinforce the binary assumption
that there are only two genders. However, reclassifying all
transgender individuals as nonbinary persons would acknowledge the
existence of more than two genders and facilitate a more nuanced
discussion about gender identity.

4. Aligns with current understanding: The medical community
recognizes that gender is a complex and diverse spectrum, and
treating transgender individuals as nonbinary persons aligns with
this understanding. As such, it would promote more accurate and
scientifically informed policies.

Overall, reclassifying transgender individuals as nonbinary persons
could be a strategic political move that promotes inclusivity,
avoids political backlash, and aligns with the scientific

### ME: It has been sometimes said that countries and cultures that
provide for a "third gender", such as India and Thailand, are not
actually great places for trans folks because the construct of the
"third gender" effectively segregates them and denies them equal
rights and participation in society, as well as stigmatizing and
marginalizing them as "the other." Explain how reclassifying all
trans persons as nonbinary persons in the United States could avoid
this problem and actually benefit all gender-expansive persons
while guaranteeing inclusion and equality.

AI: Reclassifying all transgender individuals as nonbinary persons
in the United States could potentially avoid the problem of
segregation and marginalization that can come with a "third-gender"
construct. Here are some ways this strategy could benefit
gender-expansive individuals and promote inclusion and equality:

1. Acknowledgment of diversity: Reclassifying transgender
individuals as nonbinary persons would acknowledge the diversity of
gender identity and expression, and reduce the binary thinking that
often excludes or marginalizes people who do not identify as male
or female.

2. Shared identity: By classifying all transgender individuals as
nonbinary, it would create a shared identity and sense of
community, rather than segregating them into a distinct category
that can lead to discrimination and marginalization.

3. Legal protections: Reclassifying transgender individuals as
nonbinary could also provide legal protections for all
gender-expansive individuals. This would ensure that they are
recognized by the law as a distinct group, allowing them to access
protection against discrimination and participate fully in society
without fear of persecution or exclusion.

4. Education and awareness: Reclassifying transgender individuals
as nonbinary would require education and awareness-raising
campaigns, which could help to combat the stigmatization and
marginalization of gender-expansive individuals. This could help to
create a more inclusive society that recognizes and values

Overall, reclassifying all transgender individuals as nonbinary has
the potential to create a more inclusive and equitable society that
recognizes and accepts the diversity of gender identity and
expression. This strategy could benefit all gender-expansive
individuals by providing legal protections, and a sense of
community, and helping to combat stigmatization and

(Responses were generated by ChatGPT-3.5, and were subsequently
edited for grammar by Grammarly. Even the AI seems to make
grammatical errors!)

# My thoughts on this:

I think it is more liberating for everyone to be nonbinary and
gender-expansive, not just for those who currently may identify as
nonbinary as well as trans folks. None of these ongoing political
debates matter if we as a society did not ascribe special meanings
to physiological phenomena -- any more than we don't make such a
big deal out of eye colors and construct a whole societal scheme
based on them. Most people with gender dysphoria do not require or
desire risky and invasive medical procedures -- in fact, because in
the past it was the only way for many trans folks to attain needed
legal recognition to function in society, the European Union has
declared that a government to require sex reassignment surgery as a
precondition for gender recognition is a human rights violation.
Even the World Professional Association for Transgender Health
(WPATH, formerly HBIGDA) has historically maintained that such
surgery is an absolute last resort when all other treatment options
failed to alleviate severe sex dysmorphia. What if being nonbinary
humans becomes at least as accepted as same-sex marriages? Sure,
prejudice and discrimination may persist in some backward corners
of society -- and laws don't necessarily transform culture
overnight -- but eventually most people will free themselves from
the yokes of sexist gender norms. This would be good news for the
vast majority of trans folks as they would no longer be under
pressure to pass in order to feel accepted or to survive. Of
course, all of this feels overly idealistic and utopian these days,
as I know well enough that the endgame of the "Christian"
Nationalists and the assorted far-right fascists is not the
abolition of gender but a creation of a rigid, binary, sexist,
heteronormative society that resembles the Republic of Gilead.
Nonetheless, for the large "undecided" middle that can still be
swayed, this "nonbinary option" could be a good political bargain
that is capable of addressing some of the most commonly voiced
concerns around gender identity and expressions.