Rain, coffee, welcome, games.
I decided yesterday that today I would go to the office. Two
colleagues I really like are going there. Plus, it's Friday, which
usually means a less stressful atmosphere and a potential trip to
the bar at the end of the afternoon. Well, I woke up to the
heaviest rain I've seen in a while. Not just rain but a full blown
thunderstorm! That's the excuse I'll take for working from home
today. Who knew a full-blown thunderstorm could have the best of my

I'm currently writing this from the porch/balcony. It's incredible
soothing to hear the heavy rain hit just few meters from me, while
still being protected by the porch's roof. There's a cozy factor:
it's a mess outside but there's hot coffee in the kitchen kind of
thing. The air is cold and is a good wake-up from the usual hot but
sleep-inducing temperature of a June day. I usually take walks by
the park in the morning to get started by sitting by the rain will
do perfectly.

I love seing new people arrive to Smol Pub!

=> //bentsai.smol.pub/1622751711 Welcome bentsai!

> I really dig "low-tech" things. Part of it is the desire to
understand something to its bits, and if it's too complicated, I
can't understand it :) But there's an elegance and robustness to
when things are simple.

It's so hard to make complex things simple! At times, it's even
impossible without trade-offs. But that's the beauty of it. I dig
low-tech for the same reason.

> Publishing things online makes them more alive and dynamic. Being
able to link a post/thought means you, or anyone else on the
internet, can refer to it and build on top of it.

It makes it more real, doesn't it? Look, I literally quote
something you said and hey, maybe you won't ever see this message
because there's literally no system to let you know that I quoted
you. But I did!

=> https://starbreaker.smol.pub/video-games-re-m150 From

> As it is, I'm tempted to renew my Final Fantasy XIV subscription
for the upcoming ENDWALKER expansion, but I've still got a few
single-player games I haven't quite finished yet.

I've always wanted to try FFXIV. I spent a good time of my
childhood playing FF and the universe and storytelling in those
games are something. I've heard there's a strong and even growing
community on the FF online games.

I get your point on MMO though. I'm torn myself when anything
promotes things like instant gratification, achievements, leveling.
On some games it gets pretty bad, with microtransactions, loot
boxes and other near-gambling mechanics that can induce addiction.
There's also the whole notion of sunken-cost fallacy where you
invest so much time (or money) that you're tempted to invest more.
It can be a hard cycle to get away from.

Alright then, time for me to get ready for work.