I've been working on a forum software for a few weeks now. I just
realized I haven't spoken about it in here yet. It's a simple forum
inspired by phpbb. It started as a fork of Midnight but I soon
realized I wanted to do something very different. The main
difference is that it has a flat-thread approach. It's not possible
to branch conversations, unlike on Midnight. To create a new
branch, someone needs to create a new topic.

This forum software is called "vpub", which means "Virtual Pub".
It's built to be simple to install and self-host. It uses Go and
postgres, and few dependencies. It includes a whole back-office to
manage everything.

It's getting close to a V1 but I still have some work to do. If you
are interested to see what it looks like, you can go to:

=> https://vpub.miso.town vpub test instance
=> https://forum.status.cafe status.cafe forums

I would love your feedback!