Internet Exploration
Good morning, good evening, or afternoon to you reader who is
reading this feed. It's currently 5am and I'm struggling to sleep.
I tend to wake up early but the more it goes, the earlier I wake
up, and somewhat I'm not convinced that's great for my overall
energy level throughout the day.

=> // However the great news is that we're

So there's that. Oh and somewhat I changed the theme to my desktop
environment to look like Windows 95. It works suprisingly well by
the way! If you also want a little bit of Windows 95 and you are on
XFCE, check:

=> Chicago 95

As I was ruthlessly exploring the Internet a few days ago, I found
GEORGE. And what a surprising thing this GEORGE is.

=> According to GEORGE's page

> GEORGE is responsible for 67% of all experiences experienced by
users of GEORGE

Which is a rather strong statement. Reading further, I was happy to
see that:

> GEORGE is also available in plain text.

I'm still unsure I've fully grasp what (who?) GEORGE really is, but
that page was a lot of fun to read and explore. Diving into the
webring made me find really interesting websites, such as:

=> mondecitronne

Which runs fake (real?!) advertisements throughout the GEORGE
webring. Each ad is a satire. Here's an example:


I'll probably resume my explorations soon. Really enjoy that
quirky/weird/fun bit of the web.

=> gemini:// And
speaking of which, thank you idiomdrottning for making me realize
about accessibility with inline images!

> And why is this bad? It’s bad for accessibility purps. Not just
for people who can’t see but for everyone who loves to scrape and
kitbash and mash up and just work with text as text♥

I now better understand why Lagrange doesn't show the image

Right, sooo, shall I go back to bed?