Roasting coffee at home?
As the coffee is getting ready, I'm taking a look at capcom [1].
It's been a while since I went there. I miss this place. I need to
go there more.

=> gemini:// [1] Capcom

Re: On Adventures in Coffe Roasting

> If you read up on home coffee roasting, among the reviews for
$1000 roasting machines and scary DIY contraptions, there are a lot
of references to using a popcorn maker. Last week my state went in
to a lockdown and I was bored, surfing around on eBay and I found a
popcorn maker for like $29 shipped. Why not?

I would have never thought of using a popcorn maker to roast
coffee! Thinking about it, I never really thought about roasting
coffee at all. Somehow I've always assumed that's not something one
could simply done at home. But thinking about it now, I can only
imagine how great the smell must be when roasting from home, and
how good the taste might be once grinded and turned into a coffee
not long after it's been roasted... with a popcorn maker!

=> // Published with Smol Pub