Commute log: New Project
Hello from the train, dear internet person! I’m on my way to the
city with the GF to rediscover parts I haven’t seen for a long
time. I’m extremely excited to stroll around neighborhoods, sit
down at a cafe, have a drink and eat something without the need to
go home early. It’s now allowed to be outside until 11pm, which
is more than enough to have a good time.

I’ve also picked up a new project. A few posts ago I mentioned
how I enjoy old school MMOs. I discovered a game called Aberoth and
fell in love with its simplicity and its graphics. Being on Linux
with a good old thinkpad x250, I always appreciate when I see a
game I like run on it. Aberoth client uses JavaScript and runs
extremely smoothly. It’s crazy to think that web browsers are
full blown application engines that lets you run programs cross
platform. It’s scary too. But in this case, I was glad not to
have to worry to install anything and still be able to play the
game. It might sound hypocrite for me to say so after all I say
about JavaScript and how the web would be better without it. I
still haven’t fully formed my opinion around the matter. But
anyway, I digress from the topic at hand!

So I’m building a little MMO, inspired by Aberoth. I’ve always
been fascinated by virtual places and online communities. It feels
like exploring virtual worlds is fun next step to keep this
exploration. I’ve never really built any game before, but I’ve
been having lots of fun in a few hours I’ve put on this new MMO.
At the current stage, I’ve created a basic system for characters,
movement and a map. Basic networking code allows lots of people to
be connected and play together. Like any MMO, there’s going to be
progression and I’ve released a simple registration/sign in flow.

I’m still unsure about the settings but there’s a good chance
it will take place in Nightfall City, where the Midnight is
located. Things might be different, so let’s see. I’ll make
sure to share some screenshots soon, just so you can see how ugly
it will look like ;)

But now, time to log off.
Cheers all!