## Some notes about setting up my gopher space

I started by running mkgopher. It set up the gopher directory and
link in my home. Obviously the tool is needed to properly set this

However regarding file permissions, mkgopher seemd to not work as
expected. Permissions of all files were set to rwx-r-x--- which
made my gopherhole unaccessible. Looking at other gopherspaces in
the list, I noticed, that this happend to quite a few others.

After some trial and error, and looking at other folks gopher
directories, I figured out, that the permissions for regular files
and directories (including the gopher root) need to be rwx-r-xr-x
World readable seems to make sense, since everyone should be able
to read it, right?

The gophermap needs to be set to rw-r--r-- the gopher server seems
to misinterpret the file if the executable bits are set.

Now, I'm still wondering how to get my gopherspace into the list of
active gopherholes on sdf-eu? It tell's you to just run mkgopher?
That's what I did ...