# Pinch

Last Tuesday in the evening I experienced gradually worsening back
pain so I had to call the doctor Wednesday morning. First they did not
give me an appointment as I mentioned that I had a cough and slightly
elevated temperature. However the doctor called me back and she said
she cannot really diagnose this on the phone and gave me an
appointment on Thursday.

Wednesday evening & night were hell. I had a full-blown fever and the
pain was killing me. I took some diclofenac and paracetamol and tried
to find a posture in bed in which I did not feel like someone was
stabbing a knife between my ribs.

The doctor said it may come from a pinched nerve. Fortunately I feel
much better now although there is some residual pain if I take a deep

As for the fever, hmm, it may have been an infection, I should monitor
my temperature and call if the fever returns.

And we had last week off... All our plans had been negated by this
back pain. And it's Sunday again.