# I am clean

On Thursday I had an endoscopy and man I am happy as everything was
clean, no sign of infection or anything else. This means that I do not
require any medication. Great.

Or should I say any additional medication? As every couple of days I
have to take a bile acid sequestrant and give myself a vitamin B12
shot every 4-6 weeks.


Yesterday I realized that gopher was not working here on SDF-EU so I
posted a notice on bboard about it as they were asking what was not
working after the recent upgrade.

During the time SDF-EU was down I also noticed that my cheap Debian
VPS was down, too. I got a mail that there would be a migration, but I
thought they would send another one after it had been done. As it
turned out the machine was on but under a new address, so I changed
the DNS settings and everything works again.

I have to create a ticket so that the VPS gets reinstalled as it is
running an old Debian. But now I'm not in the mood to setup everything


The weather station on the wall shows that we have a nice 22 °C on the
balcony and it's overcast. Otherwise it's a nice Sunday.
The July Grand Sumo Tournament started today and saw a loss of
Terunofuji against Abi.