# Taian

According to the sumo calendar today is taian, the most lucky day
among the rokuyo[0]. Maybe only in Japan as I had a terrible day. I
fought with the version control the whole day and could not get the
solution compiling. The fact that there are almost 200 projects in the
solution did not help. I can now say I hate TFS.

In addition the health minister of Bavaria announced that in the
upcoming weeks all the vaccination centers are going to use the
vaccines almost excusively for the second shots.
And to top this starting tomorrow the family doctors can vaccinate
everybody regardless their priority groups -- but there is no vaccine
available... and doctors are begging people not to call them. A lot
of people are lying or presenting counterfit documents in order to
get vaccinated so that they can travel in the summer.

So it's official now that we have no chance to get vaccinated even
though I have a higher priority.

[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_calendar#Rokuyō