# Scripts

I am waiting for my wife, who is having a medical examination, so there is some
time to phlog on the phone. It is a somewhat cold morning and we have a light
rain, so I was looking for a place that offers shelter from the rain as I did
not want to wait at the doctor's among the other patients.

So now I am under the awning of a small shop. I took a stroll until it started
raining and I also passed the SUSE headquarters in Nuremberg. There was a time
when I was using SUSE linux on my desktop. I was a university student at the
time and we used Debian and Solaris at the university, so it was good to have
linux for our projects.

Yesterday I wrote a VSCode extension for work. Our current customer is using a
very limited environment where we cannot run our own software. Access is via
Citrix and a shared folder. However the tool we are customizing has an awful
built-in editor without any version management and even syntax highlighting
fails if your script is longer than 2k lines - yeah it is not designed for such
long scripts. The tool is extendable using custom .NET dlls, but the customers
don't like that as deploying dlls means downtime and the whole environment is
managed by a third party, so it could very well take two weeks to deploy
something as you have to wait for the maintenance window. The disadvantages of
huge corporations...

So as we hate the built-in editor we use VSCode to write the scripts and put
them on our own gitlab instance. But copying them one by one to the database is
really annoying. So I thought that I create an extension for the context menu
in VSCode that copies my scripts to the network share with the folders having
the IDs of the objects where the scripts belong in the database and I write a
script in the tool to poll the folder on the network drive.

I managed to complete the VSCode part, but my polling script does not do what I
want. So yesterday I had to settle on the solution that I need to manually
trigger  my script import script when I want to bulk import some code.

Maybe I'll try to debug today after we get home.