# No more sleep

It's a couple of  minutes past 7 am here in the  middle of Europe. But
it's Saturday! Why  can't I sleep? OK, I needed  to visit the bathroom
so I closed the door of our bedroom  so that my wife does not wake up.
However I did not  go back to bed as I feel  now fully awake, although
slightly dizzy, but I know that I could not turn in again.

It has  been a tiring  week as I  had to hold  a training for  two new
colleagues. The worst  thing is of course that I  am not familiar with
the training materials as this is  an entry level user training of our
system. I as  an admin almost never use these  functionalities as they
are intended for the engineers. I  just do admin stuff maintaining the
engineering objects in the database and  doing a lot of scripting. And
the training continues next week...

Although I  reduced my working hours  effective as of February  1st so
that my afternoons are free and I have the free time to find something
that  eases the  suffering induced  by  my chronic  illness. It's  the
middle of February and I have to suffer even next week as I cannot say
that I only do  the training in the mornings. During  the day I barely
eat something. This seemed to work this  far, but it is not easy going
on only a couple of rice crackers.

It looks like I did not manage to wake my wife as she is sleeping even
now.  I think  I'll have  a look  at Bongusta  or Moku  Pona for  some
interesting phlog posts. I could polish  the changes in my gopher hole
managing ksh scripts, but I do not feel like it.

Have a really nice weekend and load your batteries.