# First entry in English

Apart from the couple of paragraphs about me, this is my first real
entry here in English. I planned this long ago, but I was just lost in
the details. I moved the Esperanto part of my gopher hole to another
server where I fiddled around with the server itself.

I managed to set up a git repository for my Esperanto hole with a hook
to automatically deploy the contents on the server if I push to the
master branch. This enables me to write on my iPad using Working Copy.
I know, I sold my soul to Apple...
But Working Copy is great, I can work in my git repos on the road and
it even has a great preview function for markdown.

There is a lot - and I mean a LOT - going on in the world of pubnixes
today. Although I'm not taking part actively in any of the
communities, apart from writing here, but I really enjoy reading the
content on gopher. I just wish I had more time, but work is simply too
much if you happen to have a chronic illness. It simply makes me
really tired, so apart from going to work and giving my best I cannot
do much more on weekdays. However I now managed to reduce my working
hours - which reduced my salary, too - so I hope that I can keep the
illness at bay and have more time for my wonderful wife, my family and
my hobbies.

Unfortunately I cannot access irc or gopher from work.

It's getting late in the middle of Europe now, so I'm done for today.
Happy Friday and have a good weekend!