# Sollemnitas Magorum

January 6; not much left of the Christmas vacation, will start work
again on Monday.

As "Heilige Drei Könige" is a bank holiday in Bavaria, all the shops
are closed today. We of course planned to do some shopping for food as
we always do on Saturday mornings, but after waking up I realized that
this is not going to happen today. So we went back to sleep.

Meanwhile I'm struggling a bit with Latin indefinites, I have to make
a table for overview. I've done a lot of html tables for declensions
in the past couple of weeks and use them in Anki for studying.
I even wrote some svg by hand to show locatives for example. That I
really enjoyed, I like simple text markup.
There is nothing fancy in the images, just some rectangles, a few
arrows and a bit of text - so basic svg shapes.

Because of my focus on progressing with Latin, I did not continue with
last year's Advent of Code. Maybe I'll pick it up again.

I have to play barber today and cut my hair so as to have a somewhat
decent look when going to the office again.

With all that weight loss we had to go and buy new clothes for me
again yesterday. We used a parking garage in the city where we have
never been before. It was a pleasure that they use automatic license
plate recognition, so no button pushing and paper slips. One can even
scan a QR code that is printed on the wall of the garage near the
entrance and pay using a smart phone. I opted to go to the machine
which then did not accept paying by phone :) But it accepted
contactless payment by card.

So I have some new pair of jeans, new t-shirts and sweaters, if I cut
my hair today then I'm ready for work in 2024.

Until then I'll try hard to enjoy the rest of the weekend.