There are a few things I've enjoyed a lot since creating an account
on SDF and starting with gopher.

1. Using programs I haven't touched since undergrad.

It has been a delight to send and receive emails to other SDFers
and gophers thru Pine. It was the default mail client on our shared
SunOS system during my undergraduate, and it still feels great.

I found Unix intimidating when I first started with it in
school, and I appreciated the occasional tool that had a simple
interface that I could figure out without reading a man page. Pine
was one of these, and I still get a cozy feeling using it.

(Thanks to everyone who has emailed me so far! It makes me happy
every time.)

I've also been using lynx a fair amount. I haven't touched it in
almost 20 years, and it still feels as great as ever.

2. Discovering the Lagrange client.

I know Lagrange was primarily built for Gemini, but it's a
beautiful gopher client. It just feels great. This client alone has
made me interested in looking at Gemini.

3. Being on a shared Unix system.

Every Unix-like system I've used over the past two decades have
been single-user workstations. Joining a shared Unix system the
size of SDF is such a blast. I'm especially looking forward to
checking out BBOARD more.