Del Valle Rd (after a loooooong layoff)

Stats (according to Strava):
   Distance: 17.37 mi (28 km)
   Elevation: 947 ft (289 m)
   Moving time: 1:26
   Max speed: 35.5 mph (57.1 km/h)

Bike: 2005 Trek 1000, 700Cx25 tires

After a 9-week layoff (due to surgery, trip to Chicago, Covid, and our
trip to Europe), it was right back at it today. It hurt, partially
from the time off, and partially from the heat. We left 1 hour earlier
than normal, but with a high temp of 38C later in the day, the heat
still caught up with us.

Amazingly, even though the climb hurt (a lot), I managed to set a few
PRs on the flat stretches, and my 2nd best descent time (despite not
dropping into a tuck or anything resembling one this time around).