Del Valle Rd (again)

Stats (according to Strava):
   Distance: 17.34 mi (28 km)
   Elevation: 947 ft (289 m)
   Moving time: 1:35
   Max speed: 35.8 mph (57.6 km/h)

Bike: 2005 Trek 1000, 700Cx25 tires

Wildlife sighting of the ride: Deer

After a few missed weekends, we went back at in, but on
Monday since this was the long weekend and I was quite busy
Saturday and Sunday (more in a separate phlog post).

It was quite a bit warmer this time, and my wool jersey,
while reasonable for most of the ride, got to be a bit too
much and left me sweating fairly hard on the climb. My time
up the hill was a few seconds faster than last time, which
was disappointing, as I started out stronger and didn't drop
to bottom gear right away this time. S beat me up the hill
by a good 3-4 minutes, as he's been hitting the trainer
during the week, whist I have been lazy.

On the return, after the descent, we spotted a deer in the
creek (Arroyo Mocho), which still has a decent amount of
water in, especially compared to the last few, very dry

The final (westbound) leg had a stiff headwind, as the
inland hills were warming rapidly and pulling cool marine
air inland at a rapid clip. Nice for keeping the house cool,
not so much fun for cycling into.

Overall, though, it was a good, solid ride. We even set a
few PRs on the flats, which always feels nice.