Del Valle Rd

Stats (according to Strava):
   Distance: 17.38 mi (28 km)
   Elevation: 938 ft (289 m)
   Moving time: 1:20
   Max speed: 37.5 mph (60.2 km/h)

Bike: 2005 Trek 1000, 700Cx25 tires

S and I went back at it this week, despite being another fairly warm
morning, even at our earlier 08:00 start time. I felt really winded on
the initial set of flats heading out of town, and thought I was in for
a tough ride, but to my surprise I had 5 gears to spare when we
finally reached the base of the hill. I chewed through them quickly on
the ascent, but around the 1 mi/1.6 km mark I was able to start adding
gear back on, which I haven't been able to do in months.

The final stats showed that I set 6 PRs, and flirted with a few more,
so maybe I'm not out of shape as much as just pushing my personal
envelope (a pleasant thought).

No wildlife, though there were cattle down in Arroyo Mocho where it
still had water in it. It's amazing how much flow there still is this
late in the year courtesy of our wet winter.