Weekly wrap up, 28 April 2023


Work has been relatively light this week: one customer cancelled on me, which
allowed me to catch up on other things. Late in the week we had another big
quarterly all-hands meeting with the now-usual request for more people to come
back to the office more often (always from an upper-level manager who isn't here
in the Bay Area and isn't dealing with the commute grind). I actually did go to
the office on Thursday: I saw exactly 3 people, though there were some meetings
going on in the local conference rooms, so not exactly a resounding sucess so


I decided to continue my gradual move away from Google this week. I've already
moved a lot of email over to SDF (aside from some accounts which use email as
the login), and I moved my calendar off, but I still have years' worth of photos
stored there, so I downloaded everything and started moving it to NextCloud.
Once that's done I will also put everything on my portable hard drive where I
keep local backups in case the cloud goes poof.

I also uploaded my reading lists from Goodreads to Gopher this week. I don't
post reviews or ratings, just a list of what I consumed in a given year (books
are sorted by when I finished the book). Trend-spotting is left as an exercise
to the reader.