Had a nap yesterday:

Was in a house. Took a drink of beer. Grandpa John was there, asked me to get
him a beer a "Cuiā€¦cui.. something". Went to the fridge and looked around in
it. Only found some bud-light and some other kind of beer. Went out to the
garage. My dad pulled up in the red kia sportage with the headlights on. Went
back inside. Told Grandpa that I couldn't find the brand of beer he told me. He
told me that it was okay and went to the back porch to get some that he had out

Dreams from last night:

Had some spray paint that was for your body and clothes. Had a few colors, was
spraying them all over myself like grafitti. Had some black body/clothes spray
paint. Painted myself all black. Was really dark black and blended in with the
dark perfectly. Was flying through tunnel/hallway. Went past a person they
didn't see me. Went by another person and they saw me or something. I was
dressed up like batman.

Had the black body/clothes spray. Painted myself up and looked like a black
person. Saw the hatred that the blacks felt from people like the police. Was
going around posing as a black person and fitting in, no one noticed that I was
painted up. Had some flying capablities. Paint kept coming off and I would have
to repaint myself.

In a room with Marc Mayfield and what I think was supposed to be his little
brother. Was trying to talk to the kid and the kid had an attitude towards me.
He was probably around 8 years old. We were watching a tv of a dvd of
something. All of sudden there was a clap and I was wearing some special outfit
for finding something and had a lantern of some kind. Wondered how I
automatically changed outfits. There was a McDonalds and I had a McDonalds card
in my wallet that was set to automatically adjust my outfit.