Alright, Bar Exam is in the can. Hopefully this time I passed.  I really
do not relish the idea of having to take it yet again.  Doubly so since
next admission period is the one where the 50-hour pro bono requirement
starts.  I have no idea how I'd even try to satisfy that -- doing so would
be far easier if I were still in school and could satisfy it via a clinic
or externship.

Well, now there's nothing to do about that but wait.  In the interim, I
should find something sensible to occupy myself with.  Not that I really
know where to start with that, either.

That's my basis in saying I am rubbish at being an adult.  No idea how to
do things I really should.  On the other hand, I know that objectively,
I'm not the worst.  I've seen enough spectacular fuckups to realize that I
haven't managed to come even close to being /the worst./

The problem with objective measures like that is convincing yourself that
they matter.  Then again, that's a problem for another time.  It only
matters once it starts getting in the way; for now, ignoring it and
projecting false confidence will have to suffice.  Same as it always was.

-Zenostein, 31.07.14

Well, I finally got this all properly set up and visible on SDF's gopher
site. That sure as hell beats trying to remember the URL -- especially
since as a non-verified user, I can't freely enter URLs into Lynx.

But that's just fine. The gophersphere, such that it is, is not so immense
that it cannot be traversed without ever inputting a URL directly.

That reminds me, however, that I should include a link to Veronica in my
gophermap.  Honestly, doing so seems somewhat obligitory.  So naturally,
I've not done so.

Also, I need to convince myself to insert two spaces after every
full-stop.  After so many years of not doing so, it's something of a
hassle to remember.  But that's plain-text for you -- just like on a
typewriter, only not quite.  After all, a plain-text e-mail gets rendered
in whatever the hell typeface the program wants to use -- proportional or

Well, no need to get my nose out of joint over something like that, now is

-Zenostein, 27.07.14

Great, I've finally sorted out my gophermap-related issues. That'll teach
me to foolishly add [tab] characters where they're not needed!

For future reference: the /second/ tab character itself is not necessary,
unless you intend to link to an external server. Inputting it makes the
parser look for that server's address in the file.

Man, I should upload a picture to this or something. Gopher sites need
pictures, right? Even though I've no way to really view them without a
Well, I could always use that OS9 Gopher program on that iMac.

Finally, I've located a use for a fourteen-year-old iMac!

-Zenostein, 20.07.14

Well, what to do with this now?

I've managed to create a gophermap, which is nice. And hopefully I've un-
fucked that link to gopherpedia:


But now what am I to do with this space, I wonder?

Well, I'll sort that out later!

-Zenostein, 19.07.2014