: SDF out of order!
Wed Jun  7 21:18:52 UTC 2006
It's now a whole day that SDF is not working anymore - at least the shell.
Status on sdf.lonestar.org showed some hours ago that all machines
were running, but now it cannot be accessed any more. However,
websites and gopher seems to work - I suspect some NFS issues, as
login in principle is ok, but one never gets a prompt. I doubt that
this message will pass through: no forwarding of mail done for a day
But let's try anyway...
Funny how one feels deprived of something like a virtual place, when
one gets used to it.
Hope SDF will be fine soon again, and that no severe things happened!


Wed Jun  7 21:31:23 UTC 2006
Aha.. the initial message for this thread remained in the queue for several
hours before getting processed. As I sent it from outside, this means that
e-mail did not bounce, but was queued.
I suppose SDF again has problems with NFS, making it stall from time to time.
For the moment, it's fully operational again - cross fingers!
