Lucy in the Sky

Some number of years ago, I was asked to speak at a venue in Los
Angeles, I wasn't living here yet, so I traveled by train. When I
arrived at the train station, standing on the platform was a little
old lady, no taller than 5 feet, holding a shopping bag of gifts for
me: chocolate and oranges. Two of my favorite foods, and I don't know
how she knew. She welcomed me and arranged all of my visit.

I've since met with Lucy each time I came to Los Angeles for a
speaking gig. We would meet at a train station, she standing on the
platform with her bag of usually chocolate and oranges.

I hadn't heard from Lucy in a while, and got a message last night
that a friend had found her semi-conscious on her apartment floor.
She had a stroke and had been on the floor for probably three days.
She's in the hospital now, and I'm hoping I can go see her. I want to
bring her oranges and chocolate, but they're probably against
doctor's orders.

Some day soon she'll be gone, I know. She'll be Lucy in the Sky. I
hope it's not today.