
Stardate: 20230724.2019 (Paris time)
Location: Cafe-Bar-Restaurant in the plaza
Input Device: Gemini PDA
Audio: French dance music
Visual: Booths, counter, beautiful French women
Food: Croque-monsieur au saumon fumé avec frites et salade.
Emotional: Confused, wanting one more day.



This is my last night in Paris.  My wife is with her brother and his
family.  They dropped me off back at the hotel after we went to
Moulin Rouge / Sacre Coeur.  Took a cab and met with some friends
this evening.

The day started off on a bad start.  I think my wife still has me in
the dog house.  She seems very snippy and defensive with me.  I don't
like it and I think it is best that we are not together for the latter
half of the day.
