Over my weekend I watched the new documentary "Biggie: I Got a Story to Tell" about the rapper The Notorious B.I.G. I highly recommend it for any fan of
90s hip hop. It centered more on Biggie's life as opposed to the east coast/west coast beef. It's on Netflix in the US right now. I also started reading
the book "The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation" by Jon Gertner. So far I like it, although the text is a bit dry. I once
did a presentation on the invention of the transistor to a group of friends and I've always been fascinated by Bell Labs. It's owned by Nokia these days.
I hope to visit the lab in New Jersey one day, and take a tour of the museum they have inside. I wasn't far from there in early October, but things were
closed with the virus.

On Tuesday we got our first real rain. It rarely rains here because the climate is so dry. I had the crazy idea to go out running in it. So I drove to the
track and by the time I got there it was pouring sideways and a bit cold. I still managed to run 2 miles. I had on a raincoat but it was a bad idea to
wear sweatpants. By the time I gave up it was a deluge. The best feeling was coming home after that to a hot shower.

I'm still working on the pass-the-hash presentation for next Wednesday at work. I've downloaded mimikatz because it's the easiest way to generate the logs
I'll need to show what the attack looks like. Despite the efforts of Firefox, Windows SmartScreen, and Windows Defender I managed to download and execute
the program. If you're a local admin you can change local policy to turn Defender off, and my virtual network is an internal network so no access to the
Internet meant SmartScreen was defeated. I look forward to learning a bit more about mimikatz and credential dumping. I also recently got a Shodan account
for $4 so that's something else I need to look into. If only I had the time each day to do whatever I wanted. That's the dream.