The vaccine side effects were minimal. On Friday I woke up feeling great. I started working and I was going through client logs
investigating a user with multiple failed logons, and all of the sudden it hit me. I was tired and out of it. I had a slight headache
and in general felt like crap. The best way I can describe it is it was like feeling hungover, except I hadn't drank anything. I took
some ibuprofen, drank more water, and immediately felt better. That was it really; it consisted of a few hours of discomfort, and some
slight panic since I wasn't able to think that clearly to analyze anything. I let my coworkers know I was running a bit slow.

I woke up and ran a 5k today on an empty track owned by a middle school nearby. It was the first time I was able to exercise since
hurting my back and it felt great. My back is back to normal.

After that, my partner and I decided to drive to Boulder. It was surprisingly warm today. I'm not a huge fan of Boulder. It's an expensive,
wannabe Silicon Valley minus the culture and diversity of the Bay Area. The hippies there grew up, got master's degrees, and now they live
in multi-million dollar houses where they enjoy dictating how others around them should live their lives. That being said, it's a pretty
place and fun to visit in small doses. We walked around Pearl street and I had some delicious lavender-poppy gelato and some espresso
while sitting outside.

In a few weeks I'm going to give a presentation to my coworkers about pass-the-hash attacks and what they look like in Windows event logs.
To prepare for that I've been mentally refreshing myself on NTLM authentication, Kerberos, and credential dumping. I even read some of the
Kerberos v5 RFC 4120. I also set up a domain controller on an internal network on my work computer using VirtualBox. This way I'll be able to
create some real logs and present them in Event Viewer.

I've been following the newest Facebook debacle with great interest. Data for 533 million Facebook users was just leaked online. From what
I've read, the leak first appeared on, but I haven't verified that. The data includes phone numbers, relationship status, and
email addresses.

I was able to get a copy of the data. My information and my partner's information was not in there. While it's easy to find someone's phone
number and email address via public records this is still not a good thing. Some brilliant PR flack for Facebook took to Twitter to imply
this leak wasn't a big deal because the data was from a breach in 2019 that they had already disclosed and fixed. The public did not react
well to that. Where do they find these people and how are they so devoid of common sense? At the very least Facebook should notify all of the
users affected. Of course they have not done that.