I was asleep. I had the day off and we were going to see Belle and Sebastian that night. Heidi woke me up around nine.

"Wake up. Something terrible has happened."

Autumn sunlight was streaming through the windows and i was drinking coffee when the second plane hit. The rest of the day was television news, select phone calls and waiting. Gas crested $2 a gallon at the station on the corner.

We went and saw Belle and Sebastian. Nobody knew if they'd be playing but everybody went. The band apologized right off. They hadn't known what to do either. The beginning of the last new normal.

I worked at Starbucks downtown in Portland. Right where the little war is now. Things were fragile. A few days later. I was outside, cleaning the tables, enjoying the sun. There were people on the streets.

A US fighter jet came roaring overhead barely skimming the skyscrapers. The street went completely silent. Everyone stopped. Waited as the screaming came across the sky.

"oh shit," said the tiniest little voice, and we all continued on our way.


I was trying to figure out and auto-fold solution for my gophering. As a concession to tradition and the medium itself i feel like i should hard wrap my text. Personal aesthetics disagree. I managed to cobble together a cgi query thing that works but i am easily frustrated today generally and by paths, both absolute and relative, in particular.