Cool things on the small web
Sunday, Sep 18 2022

Ever since I discovered gopher and gemini, i've been amazed with
what you can do which such a simple protocol. I discovered sdf some
time ago, and after I got my arpa membership, I started looking
into making my own gopher site. I love everything about it, the
way you can just create a textfile and start writing, and the fact
that there's nothing between you and the content, its just simple
plaintext. But that does not mean that you can't create complex
sites.  An awesome example is gopherpedia!

On here, you can access any wikipedia article and read it from the
comfort of you gopher client. This is one of the more popular
gopher sites, but as I discovered more pages such as gopherlawn, I
saw that there were all kind of sites. On gopher://,
you can access all of their git repositories from here, which is
There are some downsides of course, such as the lack of encryption,
but ignoring that it is a beautiful, simple protocol that doesn't
have tracking you as one of its main objectives.

Aside some small-web surfing, today I went to the cinema with
friends. The movie we saw wasn't quite what I was expecting but it
was great.

See you tomorrow!