== World Wide Web is dead

I was thinking of posting this as a blog post, but on the second thought,
it deserves an essay. So, go to ../essays to read it?

== Questions I've been asked so far, and answers to those

=Q: Are you really a time traveller? How did you "time leap"? Are you sane?
That's three different questions! But okay, I see how they are related.

I also know that regardless of what I say, one could always speculate that
whatever I said is a convoluted lie. You asked me multiple questions as one,
so, instead of giving you one answer, I will provide a few plausible
explanations for my mysterious character.

* This girl is completely nuts (better stay away)
* This girl is a filthy liar (and it's not okay)
* This girl is a geniune time traveller (time leapt)
* This girl is some sort of a coma survivor (slept for 20 years)
* This girl is a romanticist missing her childhood (pathetic)
* This girl is a fictional character (but why)
* This girl is a bunny girl, pyon (pyon pyon)

Feel free to mix and match the ones you like the most, pyon.


=Q: Why don't you get yourself a cheap used laptop that
can run off-the-shelf soft?
It is true that a used laptop with many gigabytes and gigahertz can be
bought for under $50, and probably less. I have considered upgrading to
an ARM-based Chromebook, and decided against it.

Pros of getting a $50 Chromebook:
* Can play 720p and maybe even 1080p video
* Can run latest Firefox and Chrome
* Likely will be able to compile C/C++ code 10-100 times faster
* Weighs less

Cons of getting a new (even used) device:
* Adding my current PII laptop to the heaps of waste humans have produced
* Harder to repair, harder to modify if needed
* Likely will be locked by the vendor

Things that won't change:
* Can listen to my music collection
* Can play my favourite games
* Can run a homepage and a blog
* Can edit and view photos
* Can chat with friends
* Can code for fun
* Can google

I just Googled, and it turns out that for a typical laptop, over 70% of
energy consumed over its lifetime is used for manufacturing. And it's
going to be much, much harder to repair than this modular PII.

So, thank you, but I'll keep using my current laptop.


If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
My email is usagi[@]sdf.org, and I also have Mastodon at mastodon.sdf.org