
You know what I am tired of? Perfect people. You ever encounter a
perfect person, you better remind yourself they have a deep

I am mostly thinking about all these "experts" who write stuff on
Medium and the likes. The people on Ted Talks. Why don't you just
piss off and let the normal, well meaning folks have a

Sure, maybe my general pessimism is injecting into this statement
too strongly, but I think there is something there nonetheless.
Why are these polished people talking to us? Where are the normal
people with their unsoluble contradictions? It is really a major
disservice to humanity to show this perfect face to the massess.

I have a younger relative who is extremely shy, but also very
talented in a limited amount of spheres. I really hope that she
could punch through somehow, but I see less and less area for
any non-perfect person to stand on. Not in reality of course, but
in the common imagination. I think this imaginary perfection is
making it ever harder for anyone with any perceivable faults to
get their foot between the door.

And I recognize this in myself too. If someone is unable to start
a Zoom call and put their mic on, I am prone to think they are
an idiot, while I very much am aware that my own mother, who is
in other ways very wise, would not be able to start a Zoom call
