
I have had the phrase "Everything is political" stuck in my head.
I'm not sure who or what it relates to in history, but to me it
seems wrong.

I suppose the most benine interpretation I can offer is that
politics is seen as some sort of social interaction in primates
and possibly other mammals.

What comes to mind though, is that everything is some sort of
game of bargaining and deception. I don't know if this is just
what politics is known for in the past century, or has it always
been like that.

I know that I want to keep from thinking that my actions are
politically motivated in most part. It seems to me I would
somehow be "tainted" by the political. Not by having political
themes in my writing here, actually. It's more like, if I had
to think myself being a "political" person, it would make me
more intellectually trapped in some camp. I feel that there is
a downward spiral there, somehow. I am fine with holding opinions
that are being bargained in the political shouting matches.

I wonder if the reason I find this idea distasteful has to do
with similar distaste to other mob modes of being.
