
       Comment on "Cancer Mice Central"

       The original document quoted here:


I quoted some of Bret Weinstein talking with his brother, Eric,
about quite an unbelievable story. Personally I have no way to
verify if the story is true and to what extent. The part that I
quote is only the beginning, though. The story involves
suppression of the theory Bret claims to have had, theft of that
theory by a senior scholar, and possibly years of faulty research
based on the central lab mice being compromised by accidental
selective breeding. Basically, if this is true, lives are still
being risked due to the silence around the case.

I quote it here maybe partly because I like a good conspiracy
theory, but also because it highlights interesting ideas about
how academics might suppress ideas that are seen to be threats
to the system. Especially interesting to me was a part where
Bret claims that a research team was keeping information from
being published in order to be able to make better predictions
than the other teams. So, that way a team could make several
papers of small import while at the same time keeping
life-saving information in the dark.

If you check out the podcast, you might want to skip the first
49 minutes where Eric and Bret have some brother dynamics that
don't seem to contribute much to the topic.
