How you were using the Internet in the 1991-1995?

There are  new answers to  [the question] I asked  a year ago.   I was
curious how  people were  using the Internet  because I  realized that
I've almost forgotten what the Internet looked like then. We are using
it every day but  over the time we are naming  different things in the
same way. So how does surfing the net was looked like in eyes of [John
Goerzen] and [jq]. You can read it now.

I will update [my global statistics]  later but for now, those answers
are count rather as BBS users  than Gopher ones. Were you using Gopher
then? Please describe your story and let me know.

~ [the question]

~ [John Goerzen]

~ [John Goerzen comments][email protected]/108934622590874206

~ [text version of above John Goerzen comments]

~ [jq]

~ [my global statistics]

@ Fri 18 Nov 2022 08:21:37 PM CET