It's a busy day today. Three meetings with clients. After that I ate a
late lunch. I'm exhausted. There was a sunny weather today until now.
Dark clouds are coming from the west. It's start raining. It isn't a
big storm or even a big rain. But city's streets are jammed. I returned
home after more than 1 hour after my departure.
I'm sitting on the thick carpet. My child is trying to sleep. He is
after everyday bath. Tomorrow is the first day of the new school year.
Fortunately it's also the Friday.

It's raining. It isn't any summer shower. It's the real heavy rain.
I've checked English phrases for that - it's "raining cats and dogs".
There is a handy table on the Wikipedia raining-phrase for every
language: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raining_cats_and_dogs.
Streams of the water are falling down by the windows and balconies.
I've got SMS that my package is ready to pick up from packages
dispatcher. It's raining from the morning. I will wait until stops
I'm reading the news. One of the biggest three lanes road in the city
was flooded today by the rain. On photos cars are standing in a traffic
jam before new road lake. Some people organized a happening and they
started to swim through flooded lanes on surfing boards.
The municipal water and sewage company said that collected average
monthly amounts of water in one day today. About 30-50 l/m2 depends on
city's district.

It's cloudy and sleepy today. I'm on a rush to my office because I woke
up later than I had set an alarm clock.
The weather changed, it isn't sleepy anymore. It's hot and humid and I
still have too many things on my mind. Music theme /Guns N' Roses -
Welcome To The Jungle/.
I'm at home now. I must change my music theme. My child is listening to
the /Kiss - Black Diamond/. It's his new fascination after he has
watched /Scooby-Doo! and Kiss: Rock and Roll Mystery/.

I'm traveling by subway today. It isn't crowded because school holidays
are still on. The temperature now is below 20 Celsius degrees so people
are sometimes dressed in jackets, or still with T-shirt as during last
days despite the temperature change. I'm dressed long sleeve bottom
down shirt, the first time for last two weeks. Despite I'm usually
wearing those shirts in the office.
Again. I went for a lunch and it started raining.
We are playing /Super Bomberman 4/ on SNES mini with two pads.

It's Sunday. I got up from the bed after 9 o'clock. I also went to the
bed earlier yesterday. I was sleeping rather good.
Third chapter of the book, we are going to
/The Last Homely House East of the Sea/.
Late afternoon ice creams and a visit to a playground. There are
several children there. On one swing swings without any visible joy a
sickly forty-year-old man who is watched over by another adult.
On the third playground.

It's noon. The sun is shining and humidity is high, jungle like
weather. I've bought soup vegetables and other groceries. The season
for red currants is supposed to end and there are no any available to
I'm trying to get my almost five-year-old child interested in The
Hobbit book. It's illustrated by Alan Lee. It isn't easy to make
children listen several pages full of text. Even, if there are so
beautiful illustrations between them. But there is an achievement today
because we started second chapter of the book. The most important is
that it wasn't only my intention to read next chapter.
I'm listening a podcast about current world situation. It's crowdfunded
program which was moved from public radio station to the Internet. It
could be my main information source. It's always shining and serving
high quality content.

Today I'm being late. I'm driven by TAXI through the city. Many of the
TAXI drivers are foreign people who don't know the city and using GPS
all the time. Scooter is played in a radio.
It was a tough day today. Almost three hours of remote meeting with
client and I was the active part of a team for most of time. Then one
hour of polishing a meeting memo. But the weekend is coming!
Shopkeeper is asking what a beer I'm looking for, because she is
closing the shop in two minutes.

The weather is much more comfortable today. Hot days with temperatures
above 30 Celsius degrees passed. In the morning I chose a bit of
walking instead of commuting by bus. It's about 15 minutes of rather
fast walk through a large park. Because of the weather it's like an
early autumn. Trees are starting to be yellow and several leafs are
laying on the ground. The rest of my commute was through the city. But
today's Thursday seems to be less busy and streets aren't crowded.
The sun has hidden behind the horizon. I'm sitting on a sofa watching
cartoons with my child. During late afternoon walk I've made a 200%
circle in my fitness app. The app showed prize of the month. It was a
good day.

I've configured a text editor on my iPhone. Then I've figured out how
to upload a text file to SSH through Blink.sh. And finally, I've
discovered that Blink.sh had add the Files.app integration. So I can
save a text file to a remote server without leaving my iPhone apps.
Testing the 'chmod o+s' setting on my /personal folder. A new file
permissions should be inherited from the folder.