I thought about my yesterday entry here. I used a word "dancing" as a noun in English which I've found incorrect today. It should be "dance event" used. But one of the Polish old style word for that is a word "dancing", or sometimes “dansing” (the same pronunciation in Polish). But there are no "dancings” in Poland in these days, maybe for some old timers in a sanatorium or a nursing home. For me that Polish word has that foreign glamor of luxury. Polish words for a dance event were used for eg. to name ordinary school party, but a word "dancing" could be used for example in a five-star hotel or a restaurant with a dance hall. The way of thinking people in that depressive times were specific.
And the real music theme for the described past times of Polish "luxury" then could be /David Bowie - Warszawa/. He visited the city in 1976 and then he described his later song as "<Warszawa> is about Warsaw and the very bleak atmosphere I got from that city." [1]  But it wasn’t only the Warsaw and the one city square where he was allowed to walk from waiting train during his journey. The bleak term could refer to the all of country. For example, the same year Bowie visited Poland in country ration stamp for sugar were introduced for people. The music on YT. [2]
https://www.bowiebible.com/songs/warszawa/ [1]
https://youtu.be/wdFZiVuOYJ0 [2]
Today I visited a retro computer market. It's a side event to /Pixel Heaven/ which is usually held in Summer. /Pixel Heaven/ is famous for international guests connected with retro computer games. For example creators of /Prince of Persia/, /Dizzy series/ and so on. But today's event isn't the most successful and it was rather small. I've spent there less than hour. It was possible to buy for eg. /Nintendo SNES/ for about 75 euros. They were preparing the /River Raid/ competition for 10-20 computers.
I've sat with my son to play in /Super Bomberman/. It's the first part, not the fourth one we played some time ago. This is probably less complicated and a bit easier. Or my son has gain experience with SNES controllers. We've got the second world without too many nerves of my son. He learned how to calm himself and after every mistake he want to play again.