If you have a small child, the time while he has woken up at seven o'clock, and he has been playing with himself to nine o'clock without any disturbances, is the rarest thing in the world. So I've woke up late today after enough time of sleep. It's Saturday. It isn't necessary to hurry. I'm listening to the radio.
I'm still around the radio. I'm listening to the morning radio program. I did several telephone talks. I prepared some food. My child is still playing (the most LEGO bricks and building own project starships). The radio is in the background for last four hours.
I have television set but I'm watching only occasionally things from VOD and probably the radio is my number one mass media (I'm listening to independent crowdfunded Internet radio station).
I try to note things which could be uncommon for my readers so I must write that in Poland two crowdfunded radio stations RNŚ [1], and 357 [2] were created in last years. Both have a professional radio presenters and go far beyond a hobbyists activity. It was connected with a problems of popular third public radio program. Patrons gave more than 9 million USD to them two in last three years. It's said it's the most successful crowdfunding campaign in the world for setting a radio station.
http://stream.rcs.revma.com/ypqt40u0x1zuv [1]
https://stream.rcs.revma.com/an1ugyygzk8uv [2]
It's raining. I was on a walk with my child and the rain got us wet.
We tried /Super Star Wars/ on SNES again. The game is too hard for casual and beginner players. I used level code from the Internet and we played several stages. So there is a platform stage, there is a space fighter level, and so on. Many different mechanics. Games from 90's are real gems.
I'm reading about SNES and 0-6 modes and, the pure magic of the 90's, mode 7. [3]
https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/365095/snes-mode-7-what-are-mode-1-through-6 [3]