September 25th, 2017

I don't know much about Haskell, but I've been reading about it.[1] The syntax
is terse, alien, and mathematical. I was never much of a math person, so a lot
of this feels like catch-up study, but there is something to be said for the
pursuit of knowledge bourne of interest, versus external compulsion.

In short, it can seem intimidating, but I'm learning the foundational concepts
one at a time. Everything builds on what came before, and it's pretty exciting
to know that I've only brushed the top layer of dust off of this enormous

I don't think I'll ever be able to confidently speak the same academic language
as bona fide Haskell devotees, but I'm hoping to someday approach a level of
competence with the concepts, to the point where I will be able to build
something with it. That is the long term goal.

For now, just checking the box next to a read-and-understood chapter of the
book is what keeps me going. The dots are beginning to connect.

I think I'll publish my notes up here as time/opportunity permits.

[1]: http://haskellbook.com