Five Answers for February 2023
February 11th, 2023

February 2023 Five Questions from

1. Do you offer advice to close friends who seem to struggle (e.g. obsession
with unrequited love object, executive dysfunction, unhealthful eating or
drinking patterns) or do you wait for them to solicit advice from you?

I usually wait.

2. What is the best view where you live?

The views from the top of Fort Beausejour. Beautiful views of the Cumberland
Basin and Tantramar Marshes.

3. What useful skill would you want a nontech-inclined friend to learn? Could
be a technical or a life skill.

A technical thing for nontech-inclined friends? Install an adblocker!
Preferably uBlock Origin.

4. Is there a habit, initiative, or project you'd undertake if you had a
supportive buddy or partner to join you? Or at least volunteer care of your
dependents during your undertaking? If yes, what is it?

I would hike and walk more.

5. What is your favourite slow cooker recipe, or slow cooker recipe
repository? ("I don't have one" is a perfectly valid response if true, in
which case I would ask you to name and describe your favourite clock tower)

Beef cheeks after marinating them in beer. A recent discovery for me.
An inexpensive cut of beef but incredibly tender and tasty when prepared
this way.