Five Questions - April 2021
March 30th, 2021

Taken from: gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/~christina/index.gmi

1. Can you miss what you never had?

Yes. That's close to the definition of regret. I often miss things I didn't do
when I had the opportunity. Regret is sometimes what drives me to not miss
other opportunities in the present.

2. Have you reinvented yourself after the end of a long personal (cohabiting)
relationship? If not, do you know someone who has? Describe the steps of

Yes. Remembering what made me happy prior to the relationship and
reconnecting with those parts of my life. Getting in touch with old friends
and relatives I may have lost touch with--especially ones I was close to in
childhood. I guess it's more of a remembering who I am as an individual,
rather than a reinvention.

3. I most look forward to book-trawling and geocaching with new local (and old
local, like Washington State!) friends. What do you most look forward to doing
when restrictions end?

Book-trawling and geocaching sounds like fun. I'm most looking forward to
visiting friends and relatives I hadn't seen since before the pandemic began.

4. What's the best surprise you received in March 2021?

After unsuccessfully searching for a hard-to-find out-of-print book in the
usual online places, I tracked down the author and bought it directly. He
mailed it to me (along with some DVDs he produced) and getting it in the mail
was the highlight of March 2021.

5. How many interests (i.e. passions, activities, hobbies, pursuits) at
minimum should a person have to be interesting? What percentage of shared
interests renders a person appealing or intriguing to you?

"Be curious, not judgmental." - Walt Whitman

What is most interesting to me is not the specific interests but the shared
curiosity in each other's interests. Curiosity drives my interest in other
people and what keeps someone close is their reciprocated curiosity in me.