Attitude and prayers

If you pray for something and it occures whether by miracle or chance you
are predisposed to treat that opportunity with a positive attitude possibly
contributing to the success of such opportunity.

If you pray for something and it doesn't happen you are predisposed to treat
any opportunity that was not exactly what you wanted negatively with the
resulting lack of success with said opportunity.

If you do not pray but you know in your heart god is looking out for you
then you treat all opportunities positively and the likelyhood of success is
improved on average.

Accepting and Expecting are almost opposites.  Expectations often yield
disappointment when they are not fufilled.  If you want to avoid constant
disappointments try accepting rather than expecting.  I know this is cliche'
but I believe it to be true.

Not that we should be satisfied with mediocracy but that we should not
expect perfection.