Busy Friday

Worked early today... was at work as early as 7 AM. Left at 9 AM to attend a
funeral viewing. My first cousin once-removed's grandfather passed away from
complications of throat cancer last week. I could not attend the actual funeral
because I had to go back to work by 11 AM. Worked until 4 AM. Appointment at
the dentist's at 5 PM. I hate stuff they do at the dentist's. They hurt... but
I had to go to make my teeth look nice and clean. I am so exhausted.

Tomorrow morning I have an appointment at the hairstylist's for colour and
haircut. I also hate being at the hair salon. It usually takes about 2 hours to
complete the whole procedure... ugh.

I was invited to co-host an LGBT radio show at CIUT 89.5 - a college radio
station over here in Toronto (University of Toronto). I was given a date --
March 28th. It's going to be a one night for an hour show only. The radio DJ
allows people who donated to his show to co-host or to be a guest. I still have
no clue what I'm going to do in that show. I guess the DJ would interview me
about my experiences as an LGBT and maybe ask me about DJing? He did mention me
playing some of my mixes on his show. We shall see. I'm kind of excited but at
the same time I'm very nervous. It's going to be a live show instead of his
normal recorded show. Awesome!