
Sautee some butter and garlic, then add 4-6 oz firm tofu, break up into varying chunks, but not too small.  Finely chopped onions to taste optional.  Add a couple drops of vanilla, liberal salt and pepper, and a small pinch of tumeric for color.  Too much tumeric will affect taste and make it glow too yellowish.  Add a slice of Swiss cheese on top and turn off flame.  The carry-over effect will melt the cheese.  Serve in a roll or between slices of toast. Hot sauce optional.  For a vegan sandwich, use oil instead of butter, and lose the cheese.

Ingredients (in order):
1 tbl. butter
1 finely chopped garlic clove
1 tbl. finely chopped onions (opt.)
4-6 oz. firm tofu
1 pinch (.33 tsp.) tumeric
2-3 drops vanilla extract
salt and pepper to taste
1 slice Swiss cheese
.5 tsp. hot sauce (opt.)
toast (2), bagel or roll