Can't we all just live in a lil farmhouse?  A smol space in the
middle of the woods with peace, quiet and the birbs?  Probably
not.  There are just so many of us that dense urban living is
probably the most sustainable approach.  But not everyone wants
to get lost in nature, and there are a lot of bugs in the woods.
People should have access to the lil farmhouse, though, with
all the lessons of life that it teaches.  Can you give someone
that experience on a 1/4 acre lot?  In a 1,000 square foot
apartment?  Are people good with sharing that outdoor space?
I guess if we're really waxing utopia here the answer would be
"yes!", so let's go with that.

Everything is relative, so trying to build a denser yet greener
Vermont is different than building a denser/greener Nebraska,
Colorado, Alabama, etc.

Of course, all of this nattering is coming from a place of low
density sprawl, so take this all with a healthy dose of sketpicism.
